Friday, September 19, 2014

APOD 1.4

15 September 2014
62 Kilometers above Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko

This picture sparked my interest in two main ways. First, it seemed very impressive and beautiful in ways. Second, it seems dark and mysterious which is always an interesting subject to explore. There is a spacecraft, named Rosetta, currently in orbit of a comet. The comet's name is Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Rosetta is circling and taking pictures of this comet. It took ten years for Rosetta to reach this comet, and when it reached it, it took pictures of its double-lobed nucleus. On average, the comet is as dark as coal. The comet is about 4 km across with very low gravity. Eventually, Rosetta plans to release the probe that will be the first to land on a comet's nucleus. 

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