Friday, January 9, 2015

APOD 2.7

December 15 2014
The Potsdam Gravity Potato

This picture appealed to me because I was a little speechless when I first saw the picture. When I saw the title, The Potsdam Gravity Potato, I thought that it would be an object in space, but the photo is actually a photo of the Earth that is shaped like a potato. The photo consists of gravitational fields that were taken by the GRACE and CHAMP satellites. It is called the Postdam Gravity Potato as the picture is the result from a center in Potsdam, Germany, gravity models from two satellites, and is shaped like a potato. It states that many bumps on the image can be attributed to geographical features such as mountains. The post finishes by stating that the image was taken in 2005 and another in 2011. 

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