Friday, October 31, 2014

APOD 2.1

October 27 2014
Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun

This picture appealed to me because it seemed familiar. I have seen the movie E.T. multiple times, and this seems somewhat like a scene directly from the movie. The familiarity of the scene to the picture is what drew me towards it. The post starts out with a question: what is that in front of the Sun? The answer is an airplane. The post continues to say that the Sun is covered by clouds in the sky, thus creating its hazy dark effect. The Sun is also covered by the Moon in the top right of it. A good-sized circular chunk is missing from the Sun's top right quarter. What I at first thought was balloons attached to the airplane are actually sun spots. AR 2192 is the name of these sun spots and it is supposedly one of the largest ever seen. The post then gave a timeline of the events as they disappeared. After a few seconds the plane, after a few minutes the clouds, after a few hours the Moon, and after a few days the sun spots. 

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