Friday, November 21, 2014

APOD 2.4

November 17 2014
The Double Dust Disks of HD 95086

This picture appealed to me because it is unique compared to the others. This looks like a scene right out of Doctor Who, which is a particularly favorite show of mine. The picutre is of another star system. Astronomers are using infrared light to determine what other star systems look like. It states that the dust disk around the star system could be forming planets. Observations were made both by the Spitzer Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory. These observations have determined that this star system contains two dust rings, one of the outside, and one of the inside near the parent star. The post ends with stating that HD 95086 is a blue star that is roughly sixty percent larger than our Sun, and is visible in the constellation of Carina, despite being 300 light years away. These observations might help astronomers to better understand how our Earth and solar system formed. 

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