Tuesday, February 3, 2015

APOD 3.2

January 30 2015
A Night at Poker Flat

This picture appealed to me because it is a beautiful picture of what appears to be the northern lights, or aurora borealis. As we have studied and looked at the northern lights before, the picture intrigued me to see what else I could learn about them. The picture shows a circular view, almost as if the picture was taken while the camera was spinning or while it was rolling down a hill. The picture shows the northern lights from Alaska. Also towards the bottom of the picture there are streams of what appear to be rockets. The picture's caption states that these are NASA suborbital sounding rockets. They were launched from Alaska on January 26. Two tests were performed at the launch, the M-TeX and the MIST test were used to track vapor trails from the rockets using ground based operations. 

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