Friday, February 20, 2015

APOD 3.5

February 20 2015
An Evening Sky Conjunction

This picture appealed to me because is it simple, and very common. Most of the pictures APOD shows are very difficult for normal people, those who do not have access to all the major machines that take a lot of these pictures, to obtain these pictures. This picture can be taken by anybody as it is a simple picture taken from the ground of obvious objects in the sky. The picture contains a forest and a lake towards the bottom, but the picture's main objective is to show the two brightest objects in this picture: the Moon and Venus. The two appear to be very close together in the sky. The comments accompanying this picture state that this picture was taken from Turkey in 2007. The comments state that within the past 8 years very little has changed about the configuration of Venus and the Moon as both will be present tonight in nearly the same location as phase as when they were photographed 8 years ago. The only main difference from 8 years ago is that tonight Mars will accompany Venus and the Moon. 

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