Friday, May 22, 2015

APOD 3.8

March 20 2015
Sunshine, Earthshine

This picture appealed to me because it depicts something mysterious and familiar. The picture shows both a dark and lit section of the moon. This throws a sense of mystery over the picture. Mystery interests me as it could be multiple different things, but the truth is truly never known. As this is a picture of the moon, and the moon is something I have studied, it is familiar. It is always nice to learn more about something that I know a good amount about. The comments underneath the picture talk about how the equinox that was on March 20 impacted the moon. The comments state that the exact timing of both the equinox and a new moon occurred within a span of only 13 hours. The comments also state that this is the largest new moon of 2015 as the moon reached its new phase only 14 hours after perigee. The comments end by stating that the equinox solar eclipse will be total across parts of the Arctic Ocean, and visible in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 

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