Friday, May 22, 2015

APOD 4.4

April 20 2015
Total Solar Eclipse over Svalbard

This picture appealed to me because it is something that I hope to see one day. The picture shows a total solar eclipse in an icy area. I hope to witness the total solar eclipse that will occur in August of 2017. This solar eclipse will make a line directly across America. The comments underneath this picture state that the total solar eclipse occurred in Svalbard, Norway. The image was captured in three minute frames and then digitally merged. This gives the line of brightness that is shown at the top of the picture. The comments then go into detail describing what a total solar eclipse is, which is when the moon comes inbetween the sun and the Earth, causing a shadow to occur on certain parts of the Earth. The comments end by stating that the next total solar eclipse will be in March of 2016 in Southeast Asia. 

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