Saturday, May 23, 2015

APOD 4.8

May 18 2015
Auroras and Star Trails over Iceland

This picture appealed to me because it is complex and unique. This picture looks colorful and unique. The picture contains what looks to be rocks on a lake. There are green auroras present in the sky as well as a trail of stars in the sky. The comments underneath the picture indicate that these are auroras and star trails. The location of this picture is in Ireland. The comments state that this is one of the quietest nights for auroras, and that the photograph is actually a three hundred and sixty degree view. Four wide angle cameras were used to capture this picture. The comments end with stating that the star trails were caused by the long exposure and Earth's rotation. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

APOD 4.7

May 8 2015
When Vega is North

This picture appealed to me because it is a unique photo. The photo shows two large circles of stars and a landscape. One is for polaris today and the other is for Vega in 14000 CE. The comments underneath the picture state that within 12,000 years Vega, which is in the constellation of Lyra, will become the new North Star. Currently the North Star is Polaris, which is in the constellation of Ursa Minor, but with the shifting axis of rotation for Earth that will change. The comments continue to say that the images are simulated to show what the star field and the landscape will look like when Vega is the north star in 12,000 years. 

APOD 4.6

May 3 2015
Moonrise Through Mauna Kea's Shadow

This picture appealed to me because it is a beautiful and colorful picture. The majority of the pictures shown on APOD are dark and mysterious. It is rare to see a realistic colorful picture such as this one. The picture shows the Moon rising in what appears to be inside a volcano. The comments underneath the picture help clear this confusion up by stating that what appears to be a huge mountain is actually the shadow of a large mountain. The comments continue to state that the mountain and the photo are located in Hawaii. The location where the photo was taken is arguably the best viewing location on the planet. The comments end by stating that the refraction of the Moon's light through the Earth's atmosphere makes the Moon appear more oval-like. 

APOD 4.5

April 27 2015
Space Station over Lunar Terminator

This picture appealed to me because it is unique, interesting, and mysterious. This picture shows the space station floating above the moon. I have never seen anything like that, therefore it is unique. The picture is also very dark, thus making it mysterious yet interesting as there is a great possibility for anything to happen. The comments underneath the picture states that the space station pictured is the International Space Station. It was precisely photographed directly above the partially-lit moon. The comments continue to state that this picture was taken in Madrid, Spain. The comments end with stating about how you can find where the ISS is. 

APOD 4.4

April 20 2015
Total Solar Eclipse over Svalbard

This picture appealed to me because it is something that I hope to see one day. The picture shows a total solar eclipse in an icy area. I hope to witness the total solar eclipse that will occur in August of 2017. This solar eclipse will make a line directly across America. The comments underneath this picture state that the total solar eclipse occurred in Svalbard, Norway. The image was captured in three minute frames and then digitally merged. This gives the line of brightness that is shown at the top of the picture. The comments then go into detail describing what a total solar eclipse is, which is when the moon comes inbetween the sun and the Earth, causing a shadow to occur on certain parts of the Earth. The comments end by stating that the next total solar eclipse will be in March of 2016 in Southeast Asia. 

APOD 4.3

April 11 2015
Venus in the West

This picture appealed to me because it is something realistic. The majority of pictures posted on APOD are spectral images, or images from a satellite. Basically these are images that I myself could not obtain on my own. This is one of the few images that I would be able to obtain on my own. This picture shows a sunset that is present in the forest with Venus shining in the west. The comments underneath the picture state that in the coming days Venus will shine near the western horizon at sunset. On April 11, Venus was very close to the Pleiades star cluster which is located in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. The comments end by stating that the branches to the left of Venus are Aldebaran and the V-shaped Hyades star cluster. 

APOD 4.2

April 5 2015
Saturn, Tethys, Rings, and Shadows

This picture appealed to me because it is simple yet mysterious. This picture contains saturn and its rings along with tethys, one of saturn's moons. The dark colors used in the picture envoke a sense of mystery as well as a sense of simplicity. The comments underneath the picture state that if we could be on Saturn's ice moon Tethys, we would be able to see amazing views of Saturn's rings. This picture is sent to us from the Cassini spacecraft. The comments state that the moon is only about 1000 km and orbits a large distance, almost five saturn-radii from the center of Saturn. This distance means it is well outside of Saturn's main bright rings. The comments end by stating that Tethys was found at the same time as Telesto and Calypso, and that Telesto precedes and Calypso follows Tethys as the trio circles Saturn. 

APOD 4.1

April 1 2015
Suiting Up for the Moon

This picture appealed to me because it is a unique picture. The picture shows a spacesuit for a cow, and that is something that I have never seen before. I've seen spacesuits for animals such as dogs and chimps, but never for a cow. The comments underneath the picture pose a unique question: How will cows survivie on the Moon? The comments state that scientists have spent decades thinking about an answer to this question. Engineers have finally come up with a solution, the new Lunar Grazing Module. Directly after this comment a statement wishing everybody a happy april fool's day from APOD is shown. In reality, cows are not predicted to be in space anytime soon. They are large animals that don't launch well into space. 

APOD 3.8

March 20 2015
Sunshine, Earthshine

This picture appealed to me because it depicts something mysterious and familiar. The picture shows both a dark and lit section of the moon. This throws a sense of mystery over the picture. Mystery interests me as it could be multiple different things, but the truth is truly never known. As this is a picture of the moon, and the moon is something I have studied, it is familiar. It is always nice to learn more about something that I know a good amount about. The comments underneath the picture talk about how the equinox that was on March 20 impacted the moon. The comments state that the exact timing of both the equinox and a new moon occurred within a span of only 13 hours. The comments also state that this is the largest new moon of 2015 as the moon reached its new phase only 14 hours after perigee. The comments end by stating that the equinox solar eclipse will be total across parts of the Arctic Ocean, and visible in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Observation Post 5/15

Observation Post
Week of 4/27

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed two famous constellations, the Big Dipper, or Ursa Major, and the Little Dipper, or Ursa Minor. I was able to locate what I believe to be Spica in the constellation Virgo and Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waning gibbous, a third quarter, and a waning crescent. 

Observation Post 5/8

Observation Post
Week of 5/4

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed the constellation of Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. Using Canis Major and Canis Minor, I was able to locate Monoceros, the Unicorn. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing gibbous, a full moon, and a waning gibbous. 

Observation Post 5/1

Observation Post
Week of 4/27

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed the constellation of Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. Using Sirius, I was able to locate Procyon, in the constellation of Canis Minor. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing crescent, a first quarter, and a waxing gibbous. 

Observation Post 4/24

Observation Post
Week of 4/20

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed the constellation of Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a new moon and a waxing crescent. 

Observation Post 4/17

Observation Post
Week of 4/13

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I also observed the constellation of Auriga, the charioteer. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waning gibbous, a third quarter, and a waning crescent. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Observation Post 4/10

Observation Post
Week of 4/6

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I also observed the constellation of Auriga, the charioteer. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. I also observed the stars Castor and Pollux in the constellation of Gemini. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a full moon and a waning gibbous. 

Observation Post 4/2

Observation Post
Week of 3/30

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I also observed the constellation of Auriga, the charioteer. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing gibbous, a full moon, and a waning crescent. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Observation Post 3/20

Observation Post
Week of 3/16

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I also observed the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. I was able to delineate between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Capella, which is in the constellation of Auriga. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waning gibbous, a third quarter, a waxing crescent, and a new moon. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Q3 Biography: Alvan Graham Clark

Alvan Graham Clark

            Alvan Graham Clark was the son of Alvan Clark, thus making him Alvan Clark Senior, and Maria Pease Clark. The Clarks had another son, George Bassett, who was older than Alvan Junior. Alvan Senior was first a portrait painter and a calico engraver. He eventually grew into the interest of making telescopes. Alvan Junior's brother, George Bassett attempted to help Alvan Senior to make a reflecting telescope. George, who was an 1844 science student, attempted to cast and grind the telescope with Alvan Senior, but the two produced nothing solid. They then switched gears and attempted to create a refracting telescope. Eventually they were able to start a company that was producing and selling refracting telescopes. The company was named Alvan Clark and sons. 
            Alvan Clark Senior and George Bassett visited the Harvard College Observatory's refracting telescope. At the time this telescope was viewed to be one of the greatest refracting telescopes. The duo soon noticed problems with the glass of this telescope. Soon after the company was created they became known for fixing this issue on their own telescopes. They were known for large telescope with exceptional quality. Many people coveted these telescopes, or mainly the glass that the Clarks were so well known for. The Clarks produced the glass for numerous telescopes that are still in use today. Some of these telescopes are located at: the United States Naval Observatory, the Lick Observatory, the Yerkes Observatory, the Adler Planetarium, and several more. Thanks to the Clarks contribution towards the development of the telescope, America was very close to, if not equal to that of the greatness of the European telescopes. 

             Despite the original work for the company being done by Alvan Senior and George Bassett, Alvan Junior soon entered the business. Both Alvan Senior and Alvan Junior worked on the refinement and production of the lenses while George Bassett focused on the mechanical placement and construction of the lenses. When they completed a lens it was checked to make sure it was up to the company's standards. This was done by looking at either artificial or genuine stars. 
           Alvan Graham Clark, having the foundation for Astronomy laid for by his family's telescope company, accomplished many astronomical things within his lifetime. His main achievement was locating double stars, which are two stars that appear to be very close to each other. The main double star that he discovered was that of Sirius A and Sirius B. In 1844, a German astronomer predicted that Sirius was a double star due to its motion. This was later confirmed by Alvan Graham Clark. Sirius B is a small white dwarf star that accompanies Sirius A closely. Sirius B is a dim star with a magnitude of 8, whereas Sirius A is the brightest star in the night-time sky with a brightness of -1.5. 
           Alvan Graham Clark lived an accomplished life in the field of astronomy. His family's telescope company helped propel America into the greater production of telescopes. He also discovered around 14 double stars within his lifetime. After his father and brother's death, Alvan Junior continued on the family telescope business, and was even able to produce a forty in refracting telescope. Alvan Graham Clark died shortly after the opening of this telescope. At the time he was sixty-four years of age. He died on the ninth of June, 1897. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

APOD 3.7

February 28 2015
Moon-Venus-Mars Skyline

This picture appealed to me because it consists of a subject that I have previously observed and discussed. This picture shows the occurrence of the closeness of the Moon, Mars, and Venus. This occurred on February 20th and has been discussed multiple time through previous observation and APOD posts. The picture was taken over Quebec City while at night. Due to the mass amounts of lights coming from Quebec City not much else can be observed in the sky. The comments discuss the location of the occurrence and what actually occurred, which have all been previously discussed. 

Observation Post 3/6

Observation Post
Week of 3/2

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I also observed the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Eridanus, the river. Although there were few stars that indicated these, I was able to locate and observe what I believe are the locations of Lepus, the hare, and Columba, the dove. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing gibbous, and a full moon. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Planetary Nebula List

1.) Name: Ring Nebula
Distance:700 pc
Image:M57 The Ring Nebula.JPG
2.) Name: Eskimo Nebula
Size:0.68 ly
Distance:900 pc
3.) Name: Cat's Eye Nebula
Size:0.2 ly
Distance:1000 pc
Image: An object resembling a red eye, with a blue pupil, red-blue iris and a green brow. Another green "brow" is placed under the eye, symmetrically versus the pupil
4.) Name: Dumbbell Nebula
Size:3 ly
Distance:417 pc
Image: M27 - Dumbbell Nebula.jpg
5.) Name: Medusa Nebula
Size:4 ly
Distance:460 pc
Image: Medusa nebula.jpg
6.) Name: Helix Nebula
Constellation: Aquarius
Size:2.5 ly
Distance:219 pc
Image: Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula (PIA09178).jpg
7.) Name: Horsehead Nebula
Constellation: Orion
Size:2.5 ly
Distance:1500 ly
Image: Barnard 33.jpg
8.) Name: Owl Nebula
Constellation:Ursa Major
Size:3.5 ly
Distance:621 pc
Image: M97.jpg
9.) Name: Butterfly Nebula
Size:2.7 ly
Distance:650 pc
Image: M2-9 minkowski's butterfly.png
10.) Name: Lemon Slice Nebula
Size:0.4 ly
Distance:4500 ly
Image: IC3568.jpg

Friday, February 27, 2015

APOD 3.6

February 26 2015
Love and War by Midnight

This picture appealed to me because it is another observance that anybody can see. A lot of the images on APOD are images that most people cannot obtain but this picture is one that anybody could obtain. It shows the Moon, Venus, and Mars being very close together. The picture was recorded from Charleston, South Carolina, USA. The comments state that it was a three second exposure that had the Earth's light illuminating the otherwise dark crescent moon. All of the objects have moved on from this occurrence with the Moon continuing with its cycle, Venus moving westward, and Mars moving eastward. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Observation Post 2/27

Observation Post
Week of 2/23

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Mars and Venus. I observed the occurrence of the crescent moon being near the planets Venus and Mars. I also observed the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate what I belive was Eridanus, the river. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing crescent, a first quarter, and a waxing gibbous moon. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

APOD 3.5

February 20 2015
An Evening Sky Conjunction

This picture appealed to me because is it simple, and very common. Most of the pictures APOD shows are very difficult for normal people, those who do not have access to all the major machines that take a lot of these pictures, to obtain these pictures. This picture can be taken by anybody as it is a simple picture taken from the ground of obvious objects in the sky. The picture contains a forest and a lake towards the bottom, but the picture's main objective is to show the two brightest objects in this picture: the Moon and Venus. The two appear to be very close together in the sky. The comments accompanying this picture state that this picture was taken from Turkey in 2007. The comments state that within the past 8 years very little has changed about the configuration of Venus and the Moon as both will be present tonight in nearly the same location as phase as when they were photographed 8 years ago. The only main difference from 8 years ago is that tonight Mars will accompany Venus and the Moon. 

Observation Post 2/20

Observation Post
Week of 2/16

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Jupiter and Venus. I also observed the constellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was Orion, the hunter. Using the location of Orion, and Orion's belt, I was able to locate Auriga, the charioteer. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waning crescent, a new moon, and a waxing crescent moon. 

Q3 Biography Sources

Alvan Graham Clark
1. "Clark, Alvan." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 3. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. 288. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.
2. "Chandra :: Photo Album :: Sirius A & B :: 26 Sep 00." Chandra :: Photo Album :: Sirius A & B :: 26 Sep 00. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.
3. Wendell, O. C., and G. E. Hale. "Alvan Graham Clark." Alvan Graham Clark. Astrophysical Journal, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
4. "Alvan Graham Clark | Biography - American Astronomer." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
5. "Alvan Clark." Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
6. Re, Pedro. "ALVAN CLARK (1804-1887), GEORGE BASSETT CLARK (1827-1891) AND ALVAN GRAHAM CLARK (1832-1897), AMERICAN MAKERS OF TELESCOPE OPTICS." A LVAN C LARK (1804-1887), G EORGE B ASSETT(n.d.): n. pag. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

APOD 3.4

February 13 2015
Aurora on Ice

This picture appealed to me because it is a beautiful picture while having multiple elements of mystery. The dark edges of the picture set the mood to be dark yet appealing. This adds in the element of mystery which is something that I always like. The picture shows a spherical picture that contains a green sky, or most likely green auroras over large and numerous chunks of ice. The comments under the picture states that the picture is a fisheye view from southeast Iceland. The comments include that the beach has black sand and is illuminated by a full moon with a halo. The post finishes by stating that the auroras are present due to the Earth's magnetosphere responding to a coronal hole in the Sun. 

APOD 3.3

February 4 2015
Stars, Sprites, Clouds, Auroras

This picture appealed to me because it is a picture that is very down to Earth. It shows what I believe to be some auroras around a cabin. In the background towards the left there appears to be what looks like low-hanging clouds that are illuminated by the sunset. The top left corner of the picture contained small red marks that appear to be lines. The post that accompanies the picture states that the picture shows red sprites while photographing unexpected auroras over a thunderstorm. The picture was taken in 2013 in Minnesota. The comment states that the red sprites were most likely due to a lightning bolt that had occurred. The comment finishes by stating that this is only the second photo of sprites and auroras together and the first in true color. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Observation Post 2/13

Observation Post
Week of 2/9

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Venus and Mars. I also observed the consellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was what I believe to be Orion, the hunter. I was able to locate these two constellations based upon their in a sense, giveaways. For Pegasus it is the great square, and for Orion it is the belt. I observed the constellation of Taurus, the Bull, relative to Orion. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waning gibbous, a third quarter, and a waning crescent moon. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Star Formation

Friday, February 6, 2015

Observation Post 2/6

Observation Post
Week of 2/2

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Venus and Mars. I also observed the consellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was what I believe to be Orion, the hunter. I was able to locate these two constellations based upon their in a sense, giveaways. For Pegasus it is the great square, and for Orion it is the belt. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing gibbous, a full moon, and a waning gibbous. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

APOD 3.2

January 30 2015
A Night at Poker Flat

This picture appealed to me because it is a beautiful picture of what appears to be the northern lights, or aurora borealis. As we have studied and looked at the northern lights before, the picture intrigued me to see what else I could learn about them. The picture shows a circular view, almost as if the picture was taken while the camera was spinning or while it was rolling down a hill. The picture shows the northern lights from Alaska. Also towards the bottom of the picture there are streams of what appear to be rockets. The picture's caption states that these are NASA suborbital sounding rockets. They were launched from Alaska on January 26. Two tests were performed at the launch, the M-TeX and the MIST test were used to track vapor trails from the rockets using ground based operations. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Observation Post 1/30

Observation Post
Week of 1/26

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Mercury and Venus. I also observed the consellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was what I believe to be Orion, the hunter. I also observed one iridium flare. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a waxing crescent, a first quarter, and a waxing gibbous moon. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

APOD 3.1

January 11 2015
Cataclysmic Dawn

This picture appealed to me because I viewed it as it seems life a piece of art from either a science fiction novel or from a comic book. I am intrigued by both, so this picture fits into my realm of interest. The first statement of the accompanying post is the question "Will this dawn bring another nova?" This question is followed by the statement that this question will be pondered by future humans. It is stated that this may be posed as a question as the future humans could be living near a cataclysmic variable binary star. The picture shows a cataclysmic explosion and the process of this is explained underneath the picture. The post is ended by stating that novas that are created from this could form a white dwarf star. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Observation Post 1/16

Observation Post
Week of 1/12

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed multiple planets, including Mercury and Venus. I also observed the consellation of Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was what I believe to be Orion, the hunter. I also observed one iridium flare. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including a third quarter and a waning crescent. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Q2 Biography: Nathaniel Bowditch

Nathaniel Bowditch

            Nathaniel Bowditch is the son of father Habakkuk Bowditch, and mother Mary Ingersoll. His father was a cooper, which was a maker and repairman of wooden casks. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, but was moved to Danvers, Massachusetts at a young age. When Nathaniel was seven years old he was moved back to Salem, Massachusetts. His family was poor as his father’s business collapsed. Nathaniel went to school until he was ten years old, but due to his family’s financial troubles he had to work in his father’s business rather than continue in school. After two years of working for his father’s business, Nathaniel, at the age of twelve, became an apprentice clerk for the Hodges and Ropes in Salem. He served under the ship’s chandler shop in the Hodges and Ropes. The shop dealt with the supplies for ships. When he was working under the ship’s chandler shop he studied education in the subjects of mathematics and foreign languages. He studied subjects that ranged from philosophy to calculus. At the age of thirteen, Nathaniel wrote a book on marine navigation. At the age of fifteen, Nathaniel constructed multiple astronomical, sea, and naval instruments such as a barometer. One way in which Nathaniel learnt all the subject he did was from a Richard Kirwan’s personal library. At the time, Kirwan was a major Irish chemist. When a privateer from Salem   intercepted and captured Kirwan’s ship, it was brought back to Salem. There it was available to Nathaniel for him to use and study from. He was able to study from Kirwan’s library from June 1791 on. He also taught himself French using a simple French-language dictionary. Nathaniel also taught himself Latin simply so that he could read and understand Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica. When Nathaniel turned seventeen he changed jobs again and started working for Samuel C. Ward. Nathaniel eventually started making voyages across the seas. From 1795 to 1799, Nathaniel made four journeys across the sea. He traveled across in merchant ships. In 1802 he became a commander and part owner of one of these merchant ships. During his journeys he perfected certain studies such as French. Nathaniel Bowditch married Elizabeth Boardman in 1798, but the only problem is that she died seven months after the wedding. Nathaniel’s father died several months after his wife’s death. His father died due to a paralytic stroke. Nathaniel was on his fourth voyage to Spain when he received the news of his wife’s death. In 1800, Nathaniel married his cousin, Mary Ingersoll. Nathaniel and Mary lived in a mansion with his ex-wife’s mother. Between 1805 and 1823 Nathaniel and Mary had eight children. In 1799 Nathaniel was elected into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He later became the Academy’s president from 1829 to 1838. In 1818 Nathaniel was elected to the Edinburgh and London Royal Societies and later joined the Irish Royal Academy, the Royal Astronomical Society of London, the Royal Academies of Palermo and Berlin, and the British Association. Nathaniel also declined an offer from Thomas Jefferson to be the mathematics chair at the new University of Virginia. Beginning in 1812 Nathaniel worked on an English translation of Pierre Laplace’s Traité de mécanique céleste. Nathaniel also wrote multiple articles on the subjects of spherical trigonometry, magnetic compass variations, the Earth’s oblateness, celestial table corrections, and the behavior of twin pendulums. In 1823, at the age of 50, Nathaniel moved to Boston where he became the actuary of the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company. Nathaniel’s wife Mary died of tuberculosis in 1834. The death of his second wife hit Nathaniel hard as he almost immediately slowed down on his studies and writings. He took more time to read poetry, history, and biographies. He attended church all of his life. It was said about him that he       was a firm and decided Unitarian. Nathaniel did not enjoy dwelling on the       distinctive and dividing points of Christian doctrine. Later on in 1838, Nathaniel Bowditch died due to his stomach cancer. He was buried next to his wife in the Trinity Church in Boston. He was later reburied and moved to the Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

APOD 2.8

January 4 2015
Crescent Rhea Occults Crescent Saturn

This picture appealed to me because I viewed it as being mysterious. Mystery can be viewed as both dark and interesting. This picture shows some of the little known parts of the universe as compared to the mass amounts of unknown objects in space. This picture shows the crescent phases of Saturn and its moon Rhea. It was taken a few years ago in color by the Cassini spacecraft. It was looking back towards the Sun as it was taking this picture. This picture is only one frame out of a sixty frame movie. In the movie Rhea can be seen gliding in front of Saturn. Since Cassini was almost parallel to Saturn's rings, they only appeared here as a thin line. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

APOD 2.7

December 15 2014
The Potsdam Gravity Potato

This picture appealed to me because I was a little speechless when I first saw the picture. When I saw the title, The Potsdam Gravity Potato, I thought that it would be an object in space, but the photo is actually a photo of the Earth that is shaped like a potato. The photo consists of gravitational fields that were taken by the GRACE and CHAMP satellites. It is called the Postdam Gravity Potato as the picture is the result from a center in Potsdam, Germany, gravity models from two satellites, and is shaped like a potato. It states that many bumps on the image can be attributed to geographical features such as mountains. The post finishes by stating that the image was taken in 2005 and another in 2011. 

Observation Post 1/9

Observation Post
Week of 1/5

The majority of my observations were made at around 8:00 at night and at 5:30 in the morning. They were done in a moderate to cold temperature. The sky on some days was clear while other days were cloudy. I did my observations at home, and on my way to school. On the days with the cloudy sky no observations could have been made. On the days that were not cloudy I observed multiple things. I observed the Summer Triangle, which includes Altair, Vega, and Deneb, in the constellations of Aquila, Lyra, and Cygnus. I also observed the consellation of the Pegasus, the Winged Horse. Another observed constellation was what I believe to be Pisces Austrinus, the southern fish. I also observed one iridium flare and a halo around the moon. I also observed multiple phases of the moon, including waxing gibbous, full moon, and waning gibbous.